Writers Showcase

A new resource for published and unpublished authors seeking representation

by: Bonnie Moore

Miz Fancy is the timely story of present day southerners of different generations and their histories of secretive bigoted behavior. Each of them has been hurt by racism, and each has a different reaction. Some have learned to forgive the past and adopt new behaviors, while others are unable to overcome old patterns. The consequence for those who continue to hate is personal destruction.

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"The Vietnam War through the Eyes
of a Young Marine
by: Stan Brenner

I am a self published author and I am looking for an agent or publisher to take on my book.
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I am a published novelist and poet. I have an MFA in creative writing and am an active journalist, creative writer teacher and seminar leader. I have had a great deal of media experience. I published fiction with Morrow, Crossing and xlibris.com. My books are all selling. I have just completed Contemptuous Marigolds, a novel about women artists caught in generations of defeat and depression. Also, I have completed a nonfiction project, WritingAerobics-A Writers Journey, an anecdotal step-by-step book about writing and its process, and the world of publishing and agents. Enclosed is a list of my completed projects that are ready. The Rise and Fall of a Jewish American Princess is a completed novel. GodDoesntMakeTrash-a creative nonfiction book has a film option on it. I have written a screenplay for it and a television agent at WMA is representing it. I had published Trash on xlibris and now I would like it on mainstream. It has sold three thousand copies from the net and with no publicity. I have a television agent at the WMA/BH-I am looking for a literary. Clips and tapes available upon request.

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"Where True Peace Lies"
by: Rudy Pizarro

Reviewer’s comments: “The author's style is clever and creative (and) the story line is communicated effectively. Manuscript starts strong and holds my interest throughout. He has molded an uplifting story with an eclectic cast of characters and inspirational voice. There are strong messages to be shared here. I think it will appeal to a large audience of mature readers, both young and old, or of strong interest to a focused group. This is an author who has done his homework. I’m interested to see what he comes up with next."

"The Thirteenth Man"
by: Rudy Pizarro

Click here to learn more about the author and these titles

"Routine at Romain's"
by: Douglas Dodd

Douglas Dodd, a businessman and inventor, is also a survivor of bodybuilding and weight lifting contests. "Routine at Romain's" combines humor with his insider's take on popular culture's long-standing obsession with fitness. Athletic readers will undoubtedly find something in the novel that strikes a familiar chord-and couch potatoes will value it as an endorsement of their own sweat-free lifestyle.

Click here for Synopsis