'Contemptuous Marigolds'
'God Doesnt Make Trash'

'Writing Aerobics-A Writers Journey'

By: Barbara Rose Brooker

I am a published novelist and poet. I have an MFA in creative writing and am an active journalist, creative writer teacher and seminar leader. I have had a great deal of media experience. I published fiction with Morrow, Crossing and xlibris.com. My books are all selling. I have just completed Contemptuous Marigolds, a novel about women artists caught in generations of defeat and depression. Also, I have completed a nonfiction project, WritingAerobics-A Writers Journey, an anecdotal step-by-step book about writing and its process, and the world of publishing and agents. Enclosed is a list of my completed projects that are ready. The Rise and Fall of a Jewish American Princess is a completed novel. GodDoesntMakeTrash-a creative nonfiction book has a film option on it. I have written a screenplay for it and a television agent at WMA is representing it. I had published Trash on xlibris and now I would like it on mainstream. It has sold three thousand copies from the net and with no publicity. I have a television agent at the WMA/BH-I am looking for a literary. Clips and tapes available upon request.

Barbara Rose Brooker has an MA in English Literature and creative
writing. Since 1990, she taught creative writing at San Francisco State
University, San Francisco City College/Continuing Education/SFLearning Annex, and at her private BESTSELLER SEMINARS, Fort Mason, SF. In 1988, William Morrow published her novel "So Long, Princess". In 1989, the author's poetry was featured, along with Maya Angelou, and other Pulitzer award-winning poets, in an Anthology,"She Rises Like The Sun", published by Crossing Press.
Currently, her poems are published in an Anthology with Mangrove Press and she is working on "Tilt", a new book of poetry. Her novels and a creative non fiction book "God Doesn't Make Trash", stories about men and women with AIDS/HIV, and their struggle with homophobia, are available in bookstores and on Amazon.com. Also, there is a film option on Trash.
Currently, she writes a column, Suddenly, Sixty, for the SF Marina Times.
In 91/93 she wrote a column, Buy The Bay for the SF Independent. She has published with local and national magazines.
Currently, she writes for the SFExaminer, LReportero,and other publications.
Many of her former and current students have been published.
In Oct. 99, regarding God Doesn't Make Trash; she was featured on the lead story in Entertainment Tonight. Tapes, and clips are available. Her newest novel "Contemptuous Marigold' will be published in late 2003.

Barbara Rose Brooker

GOD DOESN'T MAKE TRASH, (film option with OliverWilsonProductions/ is a creative non fiction project about a thirty one year old writer from a wealthy Jewish homophobic family. In the early eighties she photographs the faces of AIDS and finds that homophobia is the real disease. Her life begins to change.

'Even Ugly Men Are Jerks': non fiction- Profiles and snippets about
mid-life men their penis sizes, relationships, and search for romance.. (In process)

television interest:

WRITING AEROBICS/A WRITERS JOURNEY-non fiction: is a 282 p. step-by-step guide, for the new writer from concept to publication, and anecdotes about the writer's journey into publishing, agents, and Hollywood. / Audio and Workbook included.) UNPUBLISHED

Eva And Joan- Non fiction: Two monologues about Eva Hesse, sculptor,
and Joan Mitchell, painter. Both are dead. They converse about the issues of being women and artists, love, and art. Background is contemporary art movements from fifties till late nineties.

One More Time- is a 325 p. funny novel about a fifty five year old
writer who writes about an old obsession until she lets go and she writes herself into a new self, and finds true love.

Suddenly Sixty (SuddenlySexy) Men and women at sixty plus seek love,passion, romance. Author's columns are put into a book. (No one has read. Just completed) WMA interested in television syndication. A screenplay with sixtyish storyline in progress. Funny.

Daughters Who Abuse Their Mothers
Midlife mothers with thirty to forty year old daughters striving to achieve in our current generation, stress, and abuse

Straight-Line-in process-non fiction (and documentary): I am
interviewing transgender men and women, their stories before and after their sex change.The premise of the book is that our current society is indifferent to those who don't fit in. To walk a straight line is like flat line.
Well-known and interesting men and women in this project.

Completed novels:

Weekend Love: About a relationship between a fifty year old man and
woman that can only exist on weekends. Rachel searches for reasons why; what happens when one wants more?

Love, Sometimes-a novel about a painter who has a fear of intimacy and works out it's origins through her paintings and when she has a love affair with an art dealer.

THE RISE AND FALL OF A JEWISH AMERICAN PRINCESS./ 525p is an episodic. The novel opens in 1960 on her wedding night. Dianne Roseman is a nineteen-year-old virgin. On her wedding night, her husband and a wealthyplayboy, refuses to consummate their marriage. He has made a mistake and takes her home the next day. Dianne struggles to find her identity, self esteem, and evolves as an artist. (This novel had sold, and wasn't published. Agent was Fred Hill) I

VOWS 278 pp. (sequel) is a novel about Nina Roseman, a painter. It is
about her obsession with her first husband who jilted her on her wedding
night. She is numb, and depressed. Through her painting she struggles to find herself and thirty-six years later she confronts her first husband and finds the truth about herself and doesn't matter.

BOXES 235p: is about Rachel Bloom a sculptor who makes boxes.. She
struggles for financial and, artistic independence and to overcome her fear of closeness. She falls in love with an art dealer but her past is too much
with her and she contacts husband after thirty years for closure. Her anger
comes to a head in a surprising twist on the end when she confronts her

SHATTERED 285p, is about Rachel Bloom, and her brother Robbie. He is trapped in his mother's house for forty-seven years because he is gay. Rachel struggles to free herself from her mother’s munchausen disorder and from generations of abuse. When Rachel confronts her past she finds compassion for her mother and brother and makes surprising choices.

CONTEMPTUOUS MARIGOLDS/ is a 437p. novel about Rachel Bloom, a writer and painter who struggles to break the legacy of her mother's depression and abuse so she can understand herself, and free her daughters. Rachel makes difficult choices. The novel is written in multiple points of view so that the reader can be in the minds and pasts of the cast of characters. The book ends on triumph and love.

Telamoans-telephone conversations between six men and women who moan about their relationships on the telephone. As their technology grows, rotary from cell to mouthpiece, so do their stories.


1. Suddenly sixty is about men and women sixty plus, and their issues
from passion to Prozac and sex in the city.

2. The BestSeller Club-a book about four women who want to change
their lives by writing bestsellers and what happens during the process. Each chapter is a topic about writing and a funny anecdote and telephone
conversation about what happens.

3. Even Ugly Men Are Jerks- A small handbook of snippets from women
about men and their penis sizes and commitment phobias.

4/Straight-Line- a book of monologues from transgender men and women of different age and race, trying to fit into our straight-line society
and ending up flat line.

Please Contact:

Barbara Rose Brooker